Ajjubhai and GyanSujan are the two famous Free Fire content creators. In this article we will compare their stats in Free Fire game.
Also Check : How to register for Free Fire OB25 Advance Server.
Free Fire is a most popular royale battle game. It has vast fan base in India. Most of the YouTubers streaming Free Fire content in India. In that Total gaming and Gyangaming are the two most prominent YouTube channels. Here we can check their stats and compare them.
Ajjubhai Free Fire ID and Stats
His Free Fire ID: 451012596
Lifetime Stats:

Ajjubhai has played 9573 matches in squad in that he finished 2443 times as first with a win ratio of 25.52%. He records a 35113 kills at a K/D ratio of 4.92%.
In duo matches, the YouTuber has played 1620 matches and get 300 Booyahs by converting a win ratio of 18.52%. He killed 6313 at a K/D ratio of 4.78%.
He also participated in 889 solo matches and was unbeaten in 76 of those, and maintain a win ratio of 8.54%. With a K/D ratio 2.76% he has bagged 2246 kills.
Ranked Stats:

In ranked season 18, Ajjubhai has played 321 squad matches and makes 43 wins in that with a win ratio of 13.39%. He has a K/D ratio of 3.93% with 1092 kills.
Ajjubhai played only 30 matches in duo and finished as first in only 1 match. He has 99 kills and closely to 100 and maintaining a K/D ratio of 3.41.
He also played 22 solo games but there is no win in those, he records a 21 kills with a K/D ratio less than 1%.
GyanSujan Free Fire ID and Stats
His Free Fire ID: 70393167
Lifetime Stats:

GyanSujan has played 16099 squad matches and banged 5920 wins in those, with a win ratio of 36.77%. He records a 53764 kills at a K/D ratio of 5.28%.
In duo mode he has participated on 1994 matches and records a 451 wins with win ratio of 22.62%. He has 5212 kills with 3.38% K/D ratio.
The YouTuber played 1276 matches in that he finished as first in 153 matches and maintain a win ratio of 11.99%. He also has 2183 kills at a K/D ratio of 1.94%.
Ranked Stats:

In season 18, GyanSujan has played a 210 squad matches and get 68 Booyahs with 32.38% win ratio. He has over 963 kills for a K/D ratio of 6.78%.
He didn't played a single game in duo and solo mode.
Note: The stats of the players are considered at the time of writing may it changes with time
Both the players have impressive stats in Free Fire. When we take a look at the lifetime stats, GyanSujan has better K/D ratio and win ratio in squad mode. Whereas in duo and solo matches Ajjubhai has better K/D ratio and GyanSujan has higher win ratio.
In ranked games GyanSujan has better K/D ratio and win ratio in squad mode. It is impossible to compare these two in duo and solo because GyanSujan didn't played matches in these modes.