Fortnite Season 5 Week 14 challenges has commence live on Thursday, March 4, 2021 at 9AM ET. However, before released into the game the challenges leaked.
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Fortunately, the week 14 challenges have arriving from an XP bonus. The players can collect a total of 28,000 XP by completing the Legendary quest as well as Epic quests in week 14 challenges.
In this seven epic quests worth of 20,000 XP each, as well as one big legendary quest for 8000 XP. The Season 5 comes to end on March 15, 2021. Hence, there is only two weeks for the players to reach 250 level of the Battle pass.
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Mostly, the week 14 challenges are easy to do as well as it arriving with a bonus XP. So, it is a great opportunity for the players to unlock elusive Sapphire, Topaz, and Zero Point enlightened skins.
Fortnite Season 5 Week 14 Epic quests
- Collect Cookbooks from Pleasant Park and Craggy Cliffs (4)
- Harvest fruits and vegetables (8)
- Visit different restaurant kitchens (2)
- Drive a vehicle from Sweaty Sands to Pleasant Park (1)
- Drop off a vehicle at the gas station in Lazy Lake or Catty Corner (1)
- Drive a vehicle from Pleasant Park to Lazy Lake (1)
In Epic quests except collecting 4 cookbooks from pleasant park and craggy cliffs remaining all including driving quests easy to do.
Fortinite Season 5 Week 14 Legendary quest
- Damage opponents at greater than 50 meters away
(1000/2000/3000/4000/5000) damage
As compared to the previous legendary quest this time little bit harder. If you are good shooter from long distance its a easy task otherwise its difficult to create a 5000 damage from the 50 meters away to the enemy to earn maximum XP.
The players have to complete all these quests before the release of Week 15 Challenges which is Thursday, March 11,2021.