Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) is one of the hot topic in India, since announced by the Krafton. Everyone is excited on the game release. But, BGMI Beta version video is out, is it real or fake?
Also Check : How to download Battlegrounds Mobile India on Android devices.
Meanwhile, some rumors are around on the exact game release date. In that it is cleared the game will be release on 10th or 18th of June, 2021.
However, there is no official information from the Krafton about the release date. But, they are sharing some poster on their social media handles like Facebook and Instagram regularly.
By considering those posters as hints some content creators announcing the exact release date of Battlegrounds Mobile India. All those are assumptions, but there is no reality. If it release on anyone of that dates it's very good sign for battle royale lovers in India.
Also Check : Battlegrounds Mobile India Data Transfer details all you need to know.
Now, a video is going viral on YouTube, which is related to the Battlegrounds Mobile India Beta version. In that video you can check the Beta version of BGMI application on the home screen and also a screen of activation code, the game is also available on Google Play Store for downloading.
However, in our point of view there is no real on that video. Because, till now there is no official announcement released by the Krafton on BGMI beta version.
Also Check : Battlegrounds Mobile India Pre-registration are opened.
And also if the game is available on official app stores for downloading, everyone can access. If you check on Google Play store it only showing pre-registration option till. So, that may be a edited video. You can also check that gameplay on below video from 1:58 timeline.
Wait few more days, the Krafton will clear all doubts on the release date any announcing exact release date. So, keep follow the official social media handles of Battlegrounds Mobile India, given below:
Battlegrounds Mobile India Official Social Media Platforms:
BGMI Official Website: Click Here
BGMI Facebook Account: Click Here
BGMI YouTube: Click Here
BGMI Instagram: Click Here